Minimal Art _ 3D Sudoku Objects 8x8
Minimal Art Objects Based on the principle of the SUDOKU puzzle.

Why 3D SUDOKU puzzles? Because I added an extra dimension.
I replaced the 81 squares of the SODOKU puzzle by 81 cubes.
The numbers in the squares of a solved SUDOKU puzzle mean the vertical layer in which the cubes are placed.
The result is a digital object.
But can this object exist in real?
Are all cubes connected? This is only possible if every cube (with a level>1) has a connection, some how, with level 1.
I have never seen a 9x9 SUDOKU puzzle with that conditions. But in a 8x8 SUDOKU puzzle it is rather easy to find solutions with this condition.With beautiful symmetries.
I wrote an article about my art in Arthesis in july 2002 (in Dutch) . I wrote short paper (page 475-476 of the proceedings) and gave a presentation of it on the Bridges Conference in Leeuwarden in july 2008.

64 connected cubes I

64 connected cubes II

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.Together with Walt van Ballegooijen we solved the problem of the 9x9 SUDOKU